My first top choice who, most definitely be Japan. Why Japan you ask? Well, I love anime and that's the only place in the world where anime can be created. (I think it's fascinating that it can only be produced in this country, and not another.) Another reason is for culture, I love to learn how people lived back in the day, like what they wore, how they cooked and how they completed their day to day tasks. Now of course you could look it up on the internet, but sometimes you miss somethings. I also want to go to Japan because I really like ramen and I would interested to taste different flavors. Stay tuned because this is only part 2
Writing prompt: What's your favorite Lindsey Stirling songs?
Writing Prompt: Luke the Explorer
One sunny afternoon, after Luke had gone to his least favorite person, the vet, he and Melanie went to Pet Smart. "Woof, woof, I don't want to go, there's cars. Woof, woof," barked Luke, but again and like always all she heard was woof and bark.
"Awww, Luke do you want to ride in a cart?" asked Melanie.
Now let me say, this dog was big, after all he was a Golden Lab. Oh, I'm getting off track. Let's get back to the story.
Luke went in circles and after a couple minutes Luke was being rolled into Pet Smart like he was a king. "Bark, I'm done. I'm jumping out," barked Luke, as he jumped out of the cart having no problem. And so the duo went into the store and got what they needed. Stay tuned for next time.
Writing Prompt: What is Your Favorite Anime?
To tell you the truth I like all anime, but I have my top 5. In first place is One Piece because I just love the storyline and my favorite character other than Uta, Shank's daughter, is Zoro. Ranking second is Snow White with the Red Hair. I'm a big fan of like healing people (that's why I'm a White Mage in Final Fantasy 14) and it's humorous. Next in line for third place is.... Fairy Tale. The storyline just keeps on getting more complicated and the battles are engaging. The characters are somewhat funny. We are down to the final two.. It was a tough decision, but in fourth place is Jujitsu Kaisen. It may have a little bit bloody and sad, but overall it was a very interesting show. When I first started it I was confused, but as it progressed it became more clear. In fifth place is Demon Slayer. It is bloody, but not that much... It is very sad. I practically went through a whole box of tissues when, (spoiler alert) Rengoku died. Overall, it is a pretty good anime.
Writing Prompt: The Showdown
Melanie was enjoying a cozy day at home, when she started to get hungry. So naturally she got up and went to get some fruit from the kitchen. Luke, her Golden Lab, was happily sunning himself by the windows.
Now most of you know that dogs don't sun themselves, cats do, and Luke certainly isn't a cat. Back to Melanie.
She was cutting a peach, when she heard a hiss and a growl. She walked into the hallway only to find Luke and Jinny, her cat, having a showdown!
"Hiss hiss, this is my territory. I own the house," meowed Jinny, but all Melanie heard was meow, meow, and did I mention meow.
"Growl growl, this isn't your house, you should know that. It's my house. Our human may pay something like taxes, but we allow them to live here," growled Luke, but again all Melanie heard was woof and woof.
"How do you know about taxes," questioned Jinny. "I've heard her talk about taxes," Luke barked. "How about we settle this with a fight, whoever wins, gets to own the house," Jinny meowed, sinisterly.
"Aww, you two are talking to each. Come, let me give your lunch." Melanie said, happily.
"Woof woof, lunch!" barked Luke, as he trotted alongside her.
And so the showdown was postponed, so stay tuned.
Writing prompt: The Paper Monster Strikes!
Ella and her family decided to take a ride to the Summerville Mall and just look around one sunny day. Their dog, Daisy, had to stay home though. She ran hide under the bed, as if she was saying "Nooo, don't leave me here! I thought you loved me. You have betrayed me." After a lot of coaxing and maybe a treat or two, Daisy went into her cage and the family left.
When they arrived at the mall, they first had to get their grandma into her wheelchair and help her inside. Ella walked into the mall and the smell of pretzels and pizza wafted through the air.
"Pizza, pizza," said her younger brother, Mark. "Let's look around." said their mom. After they visited a JC Penny and a shoe store, Mark said "Pizza, pizza. I want pizza." "Can I have pretzels?" asked Ella, as her tummy rumbled. "It's lunch time, so why not. Let's get some food." said their dad, as they walked to the food court. And so they got their food and they started to eat.
A couple minutes later in a disgusting voice Mark said "My pizza has onions!"
Now let me tell you this pizza did not have onions, it was pepperoni pizza.
Ella looked lifted the pizza to look for the "onions" when her mom said "Oh my gosh, Mark, there aren't any onions, you were eating the paper plate!"
Sure enough, a good piece of the plate was missing and teeth marks were visible on the plate.
"Mark, you are the paper monster!"
The End
Writing prompt: When the Cat's Away the Dog Will Play
One day Melanie told her Golden Lab, Luke, that she had to take the recycle out. So she took the recycle out and closed the door tightly behind her, so Luke wouldn't run away. Now let me tell you that the look on her face was just priceless when she tried to get back in the house only to find it locked, by Luke, himself!
"Ahh, great, just great! I left my keys and phone on the kitchen table. What do I do now?" Melanie said, in disgust. "Wait, a minute."
Now, while Melanie comes up with a great plan, most of you might be wondering... doesn't she have a back door? No. She lives in an apartment with only one door. Now back to Melanie.
"My Apple watch can call people. Let me call Jack." Melanie exclaimed. So she called Jack, he had just gotten to work, but came back to unlock the door for Melanie and was on his way back to work.
Luke had just been barking the whole time as if saying "Look at trick I just did, but I can't undo it."
"Luke you bad, bad boy." said Melanie.
Will this happen again? I can't say anything except for stay tuned.
Summary Ben Ripley is activated in the CIA to find out what Leo Shang is plotting in Vail, Colorado. Leo Shang is a criminal but to his daug...
One day Melanie told her Golden Lab, Luke, that she had to take the recycle out. So she took the recycle out and closed the door tightly be...