Mary Poppins: The Complete Collection by P. L Travers (764 pages)


Do you like the idea of a magical nanny and exciting adventures? Then Mary Poppins is a good choice for you. When Mary Poppins comes floating in on her parrot umbrella, the Banks children are swept off their feet. From tea parties on the ceiling to jumping into chalk pictures, the Banks children are always having fun. With a nanny so proper, the Banks children will learn from a different perspective to be well mannered.


I absolutely love this book. I like that Mary Poppins is proper and has a lot of patience. Mary Poppins tells exciting stories. When she tells stories, my vivid imagination pictures me as part of her stories. I think her parrot umbrella really adds another piece of mystery and magic to her character. I love that the parrot on the umbrella can actually talk! If you like talking parrots, tea parties on the ceiling and a proper nanny, then try this book and enter Mary Poppins' exciting, magical world.


***** (5 stars)

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