Explorer Academy: The Falcon's Feather by: Trudi Trueit (215 pages)


Cruz Coronado is on a mission to find all 8 pieces to his mother's cipher, which explains the serum that she discovered while working on a pain medication at Nebula Pharmaceuticals. She was killed in an accidental fire, but Nebula was to blame. This book only covers his adventures while trying to locate the second piece of the cipher. Cruz overcomes many challenges in his endeavor to locate this valuable piece. Will he succeed?


This is the second book in the Explorer Academy series. Even though I never read the first book, the author recaps the story and I was able to understand what was happening. I absolutely loved the plot twist. My favorite character was Cruz because he's brave, daring and kind-hearted. I really wasn't sure about this book when I started to read it, but after ten chapters I was really into it. I even fell asleep while reading it! If you like mystery, adventures and surprising betrayals, then definitely read this book. 


*****(5 stars)

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