Bonus Review: Tuesdays at the Castle by Jessica Day George (228 pages)


Princess Celie's favorite day has to be Tuesday because Castle Glower either grows a new roomer, a new passage or even a new tower! However, all hope is lost when the King and Queen disappear off the face of the earth. Although the Councilors come to help and advise Princess Celie and her siblings, something amiss lies in the air. Secret meetings are held, a new tower and a new secret passage appear, and the Councilors don't want the children to discover this. Consequently, it's up to Celie and her faithful siblings to save the kingdom, find their parents and stop whatever the Councilors are doing. Will they accomplish their mission?


I absolutely loved this book. It had a perfect twist, amazing mystery and best of all, the author described the characters so well that I felt like I was part of the story! Princess Celie was my favorite character because she was sneaky, kind, caring to everyone she meets and pretty. I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes royalty, mystery and surprising betrayals. I hope you enjoy!


*****(5 stars)

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