Spy School Goes South by Stuart Gibbs (330 pages)


Spy School is going South to defeat SPYDER once and for all, but nothing goes as expected. Ben, Erica, Mike, Zoe and Ben's nemesis, Murray, are very lucky to have survived a flying missile and a hectic plane ride. The downside is they're stranded in Mexico! From going across a swamp full of deadly crocodiles to trying to find any trace of civilization, Ben and his friends have many obstacles to overcome before they can uncover SPYDER's new and destructive plan. 


Do you like action and adventure? This book is action filled to the brim and adventurous. Every page I turned, the more I was interested in this fascinating story. Even though this book focuses on Ben, Erica is still my favorite character. She's my favorite character because she's dangerous and daring. I feel as though I'm unlocking more clues as I finish each book in this series. If you are up for an action packed adventure, then try this one.


*****(5 stars)

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