The Secret Zoo: Secrets and Shadows by Bryan Chick ( 266 pages)


 Mr. Darby wants Noah and his friends to become Crossers, crossing from the Secret Zoo to the town. The Scouts say yes and are trained by the Descenders. Noah notices something weird about their teachers. Also, the evil sasquatches are in the way along with the Shadowist. These provide many distractions for the Scouts. Can they find out the secret to what's going on and solve the mystery before it's too late?


I think this is a good book because there is lot of action and adventure within its pages. This story always kept me on the edge of my seat. I love that the author brought back Blizzard, the polar bear, and Little Big Horn, the rhino. They make a wonderful addition to the plot. The excitement within the pages of this very interesting story make it worth a read.


*****(5 stars)

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