The Celery Stalks at Midnight by James Howe (111 pages)


The saga continues with this third Bunnicula book. Late one night Harold, Chester and the dachshund, Howie, are sitting on the porch resting. When they go inside they discover that their friend, Bunnicula, is missing. The next day they decide to roam around town hoping to find their lost friend. While searching they find Toby and Pete, the Monroe's sons, on a friend's lawn biting kids' necks. Chester is convinced that Toby and Pete have fallen under Bunnicula's spell!!


I like this entire series. I especially like that each story centers on a different adventure. The author takes the characters to many interesting places, including into town as well as on a garbage truck. I laugh hysterically at most of Chester's humorous escapades and I love that the author added a new character, Howie. Actually, it turns out that he's my favorite character. I do hope you will give this fantastic book a try. I think you will really enjoy it. 


*****(5 stars)

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