Bunnicula by Deborah & James Howe (98 pages)

Happy New Year!! Do hope your holidays were great. I am excited to be back and sharing my reads with you.


The Monroe's went to the movies and came back dripping wet. Chester, the household cat, and Harold, the dog, noticed something in Mr. Monroe's arms. It was a cute, shivering bunny. A few days later Chester told Harold that he thinks Bunnicula, the new pet, is a vampire. Soon after, the Monroes find a white tomato on the dining room table. When you finish this book your hair will be standing on end. 


I think this book is a really good mystery. It kept me interested until the very end. I especially liked the part where, instead of getting a wooden stake, Chester got a piece of steak meat and started to pound it into Bunnicula's chest because he thought Bunnicula was a vampire. This book really made me laugh a lot. I do hope you will try this spooktasic story.


*****(5 stars)

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