Writing Prompt: Can honesty honestly be bad? Write about someone, fact or fiction, who gets in trouble for being too truthful.

 Carrie and her friends were sitting outside of Principal Edward's office, waiting anxiously for him to come out and call each of them in to ask them what happened. Minutes passed and passed, until Leslie said "Come on! This is the most ridiculous thing I ever have been involved in. I want to go back to class." Carrie sat there silently thinking about what to say. Her parents always taught her not to lie, so after deciding to tell the truth, she heard it. The principals footsteps echoing in the hall.

    "Alright, Carrie please come with me. You girls don't go anywhere." said Principal Edward, as he opened the door to invite Carrie in. "Now, young lady, what happened?"

    Carrie took a deep breath and hoped for a lenient punishment as she began to tell her story. "A couple days ago, the girls and I snuck into our teachers room while we supposed to be at recess and I thought we were getting our coats, but no they went into her desk stole her key to the locked drawer. They unlocked it, took out mid-exams answer sheets and said to me don't tell anyone. That's my story." 

    Principal Edward sat still for a minute and then said "Well, thank you. You are going to get in trouble so be prepared, but since you told the truth I'll reduce your punishment. Carrie left the room feeling much better, she then decided to stop hanging out with her friends because they were a bad influence. 

                                    The end

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