Bonus Review: The Van Gogh Deception by Deron Hicks (306 pages)


Art, a young boy, who supposedly has amnesia was found sitting in front of a Degas sculpture with no memory of how he got there. While trying to locate his origins, he discovers a mystery that seems to be connected to him.. As he pieces clues together, he realizes that he will need to stop the biggest art fraud in history. On top of that he is faced with figuring out why a group of vicious villains are after him. Read this                      exciting book to discover Art's fate.


I really enjoyed this book. The plot was spectacular! It had twists, turns, challenges and best of all a mystery! The characters had awesome personalities and were extremely brave. My favorite character had to be Camille because of her spunky attitude and her kindness to others. I was even stumped by Art's identity. I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes art and mystery mixed in one great story. Enjoy!


*****(5 stars)

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