Spy School Project X by Stuart Gibbs (329 pages)


As the school year draws to an end, Benjamin Ripley faces a big issue. Not only does everybody in the world think he's an alien, but every assassin wants him dead in order to receive a payment of 20,000,000 dollars. Murray Hill, a devious criminal, will do anything to ruin Ben's life. Now that Ben has lots of enemies, how will he get out of this big dilemma? 


First of all, I really enjoyed Spy School Project X. I liked it because it was action-packed, exciting and adventurous. I was very excited to finally meet Mary Hale, Erica's grandmother. Erica Hale will always be my favorite character because she's daring and brave. I enjoyed the fact that this story took place in Florida, and finally, I really liked how Stuart Gibbs described all the action parts. I highly recommend this book to anybody who likes mystery, action and adventure. I hope you enjoy it, if you decide to read it. 


*****(5 stars)

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