Writing prompt: Describe your mom's desk Pt3

As you cautiously walk up to the animals, you can't seem to accept the idea of stuffed animals talking to each other and moving around. While wondering, you walk into a stuffy. 

    "Why hello there, little one!" said the lizard. "My names Fiona, what's yours?" Startled, you look up to the lizard and tell her your name and your dilemma. "My oh my, you got stuck here too? All of our homes are destroyed. Can you help us?" 

    Worried about how late it's getting, you ask Fiona how you could get out of the storm and fast. "Ok, it's alright if you don't help us rebuild. Just promise you will visit us again," said Fiona, sighing. You agree and then Fiona quickly says 

    "Well, you could ask Mrs. Ghost to fly you out of the hurricane. Let me take you to where she lives," You agree and Fiona takes you to the house of Mr. and Mrs. Ghost. 

    "Mrs. Ghost, I have a favor to ask of you," The door opens quietly and a ghost about forty years old comes out. "Yes Fiona," said Mrs. Ghost. "Can you take this young person home to their house?" asked Fiona. 

    "Why yes, of course. Let's get going then," So you get on Mrs. Ghosts back and wave goodbye at Fiona until you can't see her anymore. As you thank Mrs. Ghost for the ride, your mom calls "Dinner, dinner," so you thank Mrs. Ghost again and hurry inside for your mom's famous curry. 

    The End

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