Spy School Revolution by Stuart Gibbs (342 pages)


After defeating the evil organization, SPYDER, Benjamin Ripley, hopes that life in the Spy world will get back to normal. While Ben is telling the truth to his parents about his being a spy, somebody bombs the main building of the Academy. To Ben's astonishment the attacker is Erica Hale. Ben must go rogue from the CIA to help his friend in need before she is caught. In addition, he must face a new evil organization and find out what they're planning. Once again, his life is full of danger and excitement.


I was more than surprised when I found out the bomber was my favorite character, Erica Hale. I thought this story had an amazing plot twist and some really exciting adventures. I was quite surprised when Erica revealed that she had a younger sibling. I especially liked the part where Ben finally tells his parents the truth about his being a spy. I highly recommend this amazing book.


*****(5 stars)

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